Happy New Year fervent Data Girl Techies

The year is pregnant with a lot and we can’t wait to unveil all that we have in store for you this new season.
Before I go on sharing our very big plans, permit me to talk to you about something very pertinent:

With so many burgeoning opportunities in the ever-growing technology field, it is essential to have knowledge and skill in this area. It can give you a boost in your career.

We cannot over-emphasize where the world is heading and where technology will lead it in the next 10 years. For this reason, we come to you particularly the ladies, encouraging you to be positive about your tech journeys this year.

You all have seen the recent technology that has gotten everyone talking, the chatGPT by OpenAI. Soon and very soon, everyone will be at risk in the marketplace if their tech game isn’t at A point.

We are not here to scare you but to help you become a part of tech this evolution. Times are changing and the story will no longer be “gender favourable” because while you are at your thoughts, other ladies are not letting opportunities pass them by.

As much as you should, do your best this year to enrol in any of our training which will serve as a springboard to your bright future.
Remember the year is only starting, and you know what they say, “make hay while the sun shines”.

Start preparing your resources; finance, laptop, data, and accommodation and wait for our signal. Do not say you were taken aback!

Our platform is always open to receiving you www.datagirltech.com

Welcome to the future.
