We are thrilled to announce that Data Girl Technologies has been featured on the Tech Build Africa’s blog!
In an interview with Dare Afolabi, we highlighted our innovative approach towards creating a fair playing ground for women in the tech ecosystem and the impact we’re making in the tech industry in Africa.
We’re excited our story is shared with a broader audience which will go a long way to inspire other women to pursue their own tech endeavours.
This feature is a testament to the hard work and dedication of the Data Girl team, and we’re grateful for their continued efforts in pushing the boundaries of what’s possible for women in tech.
We want to thank Tech Build Africa for this incredible opportunity and look forward to more avenues where we can share our journey with like-minded readers and the wider tech community.
Here is an excerpt of the story:
“At Data Girls technologies, we are fostering the next generation of female tech talent in Africa, and we do this by training the women and girls on how to code and design and we link them up with amazing opportunities in the tech ecosystem.
What made my team and I start this organisation is that we realize that there is a huge gender gap. There’s a huge gender disparity in the tech ecosystem, not only in Cameroon but across Africa.
We also realized that it’s a global problem, we have a very tiny representation of women, and we wanted to do something that will impact women globally and that’s one of the reasons why we decided to empower women in the tech ecosystem.
Secondly, Data Girl Technologies identified that tech is a global language that has been spoken and understood by everyone. The future is tech, everything is moving towards technology, and it will be a beautiful thing if women can accompany this movement by taking advantage of it.”
Here is the link to the full article on Driving Diversity in Africa’s Tech Industry: The Story of Data Girl Technologies https://techbuild.africa/africas-tech-industry-data-girl-technologies/.