Technological Positioning for Business Dominance!

Technological Positioning for Business Dominance. The number one factor to kick your skill-set out of the business world is the lack of technological positioning. There is really no way to make it to the global scene if you cannot make it to the “online space” (Read that again)! Making it to the online space(creating visibility)

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Women Tech Innovators!

Women tech Innovation is ever so thrilling. When you hear of something new, especially in the tech domain, you tend to marvel at the wonders of man’s mind. What seemed practically impossible, is becoming archaic as innovations in the tech space have become the order of the day. But even more appealing is when these

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Technology is an attractive base for business agility, and efficiency!

If your business were dependent on your level of technology, will it scale your business up or down? Friend, let me remind you that technology is an attractive base for every company’s growth, agility, and efficiency. The aim of every businessman as you may already know is to grow and expand, therefore, whatever it is

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Celebrating Women in tech 2022

Woman, You are a quill to a world of torn papers. You are the hand rewriting history in the best ways ever and you are creating a future void of bleak experiences. You are art the world would never cease to behold! A wonder to every mankind! In your little as well as big wins,

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How to crush your 2022 goals by becoming digitally savvy!

Become digitally savvy and see how fast you crush your goals this 2022! Hey friends, Truth be told, your end results this 2022 have “nothing and everything” to do with tech! Let’s begin with “everything”. Say you want to grow your business, complete your school project, probably graduate, launch a new line of business, earn

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Women, tech, and myths!

Come to think of it, You are probably a millennial or a generation Z and for the most, you are one of those every other person has an expectation of about how your life should be or where you should be by now. For the most part, you probably have great interests and ideas on

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